I'm Quiara - the girl from Louisiana who fell in love with a Haitian guy, married him during the pandemic, and then moved into a yellow house in the middle of Port au Prince.
I loved my Haitian home so much! I still miss my friends and family there every day. Because we're back in Louisiana now. We don't know the future, but Haiti is going thru a terrible struggle right now and we're thankful God has given us a safe place to live with our little girl.
Some days I remember the gunshots and burning tires, and I feel blessed. Other days I just want to be back sitting in one of these wooden beach chairs, listening to konpa music by the Caribbean Sea and devouring a whole fish with fried plantains.

I'm a person who's usually doing a lot of different stuff at once...
I started blogging as a single teacher trying to stay in touch with old friends.
After I got married, I wrote weekly posts about life in Haiti, and then I fell so in love with the Haitian food culture that I collaborated with some friends on the Cafe au Lait Cookbook. There's still a few left if you want to get a copy.
Now I'm a mom, still cooking lotsa rice... both Haitian and Cajun... and wherever I can fit in little bits of time, I help small Mennonite businesses build websites that actually serve their customers without costing hours of your precious time or lots of hard-earned dollars.
My home office is a blanket spread on the ground...
Cuz if the baby ain't happy ain't nobody happy! I get one precious morning a week at Cat's Creamery, our local coffee shop, to concentrate; and there's always nap time if the laundry isn't stacked too high!
So as you can see, I'm in the struggle with you all. Starting a new business or finding time to work on your side hustle isn't easy. Sometimes things like optimizing your website can stay on your mental to-do list for months.
I'd love to get that one thing... your website... off your plate!
And I'm not a fancy pants design agency with a lot of rules and pricing you can't afford. I'm just a mom who will talk to you on WhatsApp if you want, or email, or whatever. I won't judge if technology isn't your thing. (I actually hate social media myself!) Let's work at your website together until you and your customers love it. Then you can cross it off your list and get back to raising dogs, or fixing windshields, or whatever it is that you're great at doing.

Cafe au Lait Couple FAQ:
Inspired by a friend, who was traveling in USA without her Haitian husband. She said she just needed an FAQ brochure about her life. Don't know if she ever wrote one. Here's mine... so when I meet you someday we can discuss more important things.
1. Are you moving back to Haiti? Bondye konnen... God knows. We have a little piece of land and a little bit of faith, but for now, we feel to stay where we can feel safe and earn a living.
2. Do you speak Kreyol or English at home? We speak Kreng-lish. It's fun.
3. Are you teaching your baby Kreyol? Of course. And she loves Haitian bean sauce... don't you wish your baby did?
4. Was living in Port au Prince scary? That's a complicated question, my friend. And I don't love talking about the scary parts too much because there's so many people in Haiti that I love. Let's just all keep praying for peace, alright?
If I didn't answer YOUR question, you can send me a message if you want to chat or maybe just...