I’ve wondered lately if in these complicated times, where hardly anything is allowed to be black and white, have we become afraid to let being a Christian be a life changing experience?
We talk about the heart being right. We talk about legalism. We talk about doing the right things with the wrong spirit which makes some of us wonder if we can do the wrong things and still have the right spirit. Those discussions honestly make my head spin.
Then I wonder if, like Peter, lurking in the shadows around the fire on that dark, dark night before the crucifixion, we’re just too afraid. We are very glad to have Jesus in our hearts, but are we willing for others to see evidence of that? How willing are you for Jesus to change your everyday life? Have you ever asked him what he’d still like to change?
Thing is, we all have people we admire. There are those extra faithful ones that wash our feet on communion night. Some people have fought for years with sickness or financial setbacks, and thru it all they have such beautiful hearts. Some have gone to another country to talk about Jesus, or brought a child from another country into their home to love.
These people we secretly admire are no different from us. I also don’t think they got to where they are with no sacrifice. At some point, they prayed the words of this song, and meant it. Meant it enough that it changed their inside - and also their outside.
“No more pride. Now I see. You alone I will adore. Now my life I lay down. I’ll go with you now, my Lord.”
It’s not so complicated really. Don’t be afraid to let Jesus change you - inside and outside. Maybe your comfort-zone-life gets upended completely. Maybe it just gets a bit simpler. Warning: screen time numbers could drastically decrease. Your kitchen table could get longer. Your arms will most certainly open wider.
“I will ever go with You. Faithfully.”
(song is “I’ll Go with You” by CJ Koehn)